Target Community & Educational Services, Inc. partners with Carroll County Public Schools (CCPS) to provide Residential Living Skills instruction in the Transition Opportunities for Personal Success (TOPS) program, one of the five transition programs in the Transition Connections Academy.
The Carroll County Public Schools Transition Connections Academy is dedicated to empowering young adults with disabilities so they will be self-directed individuals, responsible citizens, autonomous communicators, and active participants in their community and workplace. Other partners in the academy include The Arc of Carroll County; Carroll Community College; McDaniel College; Carroll Hospital; Penn-Mar Human Services; and the Division of Rehabilitation Services.
For more information on the Carroll County Transition Connections Program:
Natalie DeRita, Transition Services Manager, or 410-848-9090, ext. 122
Julie Koontz, CCPS Program Coordinator for the Transition Connections Academy, or 410-751-3620
Summer Youth Employment (SYE) is a program of the Division of Rehabilitation Services (DORS). Eligible youth may contract with adult agencies to assist them in matching the skills and talents of their personal profile with specific employment needs in the community.
For more information on the Summer Youth Employment Program:
Allison Terfehr, Director of Meaningful Day Services, or (410) 848-9090 ext. 142